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Monday, December 28, 2020

BBA :~ IP Addressing

IP means Internet Protocol.

You may have seen the statistics above somewhere.  That is the  address.

An IP address (internet protocol address) is a numerical representation that uniquely identifies a specific interface on the network.

An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.

An IP address serves two main functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

IP address is an address having information about how to reach a specific host, especially outside the LAN.

Network administrators assign an IP address to each device connected to a network. 

Such assignments may be on a static (fixed or permanent) or dynamic basis, depending on network practices and software features.

IP address stands for internet protocol address; it is an identifying number that is associated with a specific computer or computer network. 

 When connected to the internet, the IP address allows the computers to send and receive information. 

IP address is a fascinating product of modern computer technology designed to allow one computer or other device to communicate with another via the Internet.

The unique 32-bit number that identifies a computer on the Internet or some other Internet Protocol network is called IP Address.

IP addresses can be either static or dynamic. Static IP addresses never change.

Dynamic IP addresses are temporary and are assigned each time a computer accesses the Internet.

IP addressing are in the form of where xyz must be a number from 0 to 255. This address is known as an IP address.

Internet Protocol uses a set of rules to send and receive messages points at the internet address level.

Without Internet Protocol nothing can work on the Internet.

Therefore, it is necessary to update Internet Protocols, so that communication on the internet is always fast and efficient.

IP addressing system and transmission control system together handle all the data transfers.

To be able to connect to any given computer via the internet user can need to know its IP address, but because numbers are hard to remember, domain names are used instead.

How an IP Address Works

An IP address allows computers to send and receive data over the internet. Most IP addresses are purely numerical, but as internet usage grows, letters have been added to some addresses. 

There are four different types of IP addresses: public, private, static, and dynamic. 

While the public and private are indicative of the location of the network—private being used inside a network while the public is used outside of a network—static and dynamic indicate permanency. 

A static IP address is one that was manually created, as opposed to having been assigned. 

A static address also does not change, whereas a dynamic IP address has been assigned by a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) server and is subject to change. 

Dynamic IP addresses are the most common type of internet protocol addresses. Dynamic IP addresses are only active for a certain amount of time, after which they expire.

 The computer will either automatically request a new lease, or the computer may receive a new IP address. 

An IP address can be compared to a Social Security Number (SSN) since each one is completely unique to the computer or user it is assigned to. 

The creation of these numbers allows routers to identify where they are sending information on the internet. 

They also make sure that the correct devices are receiving what is being sent. Much like the post office needs a mailing address to deliver a package, a router needs an IP address to deliver to the web address requested.

IP Address Classification Based on Operational Characteristics

Unicast addressing:

Unicast addressing is the most common concept of an IP address in the Unicast addressing method.

 It is available in both IPv4 and IPv6.

This IP address method refers to a single sender/receiver. 

It can be used for both sending and receiving the data.

In most cases, a Unicast address is associated with a single device or host, but a device or host that may have more than one unicast address.


Broadcast addressing

Broadcasting addressing is another addressing method available in IPv4. 

It allows you to manage data to all destinations on a network with a single transmission operation.

The IP address is mostly used for network broadcast. 

 Moreover, limited directed-broadcast uses the all-ones host address with the network prefix.

IPv6 does not provide any implementation and any broadcast addressing. 

It replaces it with multicast to the specially defined all-nodes of the multicast address.

Multicast IP addresses

Multicast IP addresses are used mainly for one-to-many communication. Multicast messages are mostly sent to the IP multicast group address.

In this, routers forward copies of the packet out to every interface with hosts subscribed to that specific group address. 

Only the hosts that require receiving the message will process the packets. All other hosts on that LAN will discard them.

Anycast addressing

In anycast addressing the data, the stream is not transmitted to all receivers. However, just the one that the router decides is closest to the network.

This IP addressing comes as a built-in feature of IPv6. In IPv4, it is implemented by using the Border Gateway Protocol by using the shortest-path metric. 

This method is widely used for global load balancing and is also used in distributed DNS systems. 

Type of IP Address Description
Public IP
A public IP address is an address where one primary address is associated with your whole network.
Private IP
A private IP address is a unique IP number assigned to every device that connects to your home internet network.
Dynamic IP
Dynamic IP addresses always keep changing. It is temporary and are allocated to a device every time it connects to the web.
Static IP
Static IP address never changes, but it can be altered as part of routine network administration.
Shared IP
The IP address is not unique and it is shared with other websites.
Dedicated IP
Dedicated IP address is assigned uniquely to each website.


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