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Monday, December 21, 2020

BBA :- E-Mail

Email, short for "electronic mail," is one of the most widely used features of the Internet, along with the web. 

It allows you to send and receive messages to and from anyone with an email address, anywhere in the world.

Electronic mail is a method of exchanging messages ("mail") between people using electronic devices.

Email operates across computer networks, primarily the Internet. Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model.

email is information stored on a computer that is exchanged between two users over telecommunications. 

More plainly, e-mail is a message that may contain text, files, images, or other attachments sent through a network to a specified individual or group of individuals.

The first e-mail was sent by Ray Tomlinson in 1971. Tomlinson sent the e-mail to himself as a test e-mail message, containing the text "something like QWERTYUIOP." 

However, despite sending the e-mail to himself, the e-mail message was still transmitted through ARPANET.

Email can be used in a variety of ways, either personally or within an organization, as well as one on one or among a large group of people.

Uses of email

  • Email can be used in a variety of ways, either personally or within an organization, as well as one on one or among a large group of people.
  • Most people find email to be a beneficial way to communicate with individuals or small groups of friends or colleagues. 
  • It enables users to easily send and receive documents, images, links and other files. Furthermore, it provides users with the flexibility of communicating with others on their own schedule.
  • Another beneficial use of email for one-to-one or small group communication could be sending professional follow-up emails after appointments, meetings or interviews or reminding participants of approaching due dates and time-sensitive activities. 
  • It also enables users to quickly and easily remind all meeting attendees of an upcoming event or notify the group of a time change. 
  • This is assisted by the integration of calendars and appointments into most email service platforms.
  • Furthermore, companies can use email to convey information to large amounts of employees, customers and potential customers. 
  • Email is frequently used for newsletters, where mailing list subscribers are sent specific, promoted content from a company, and direct email marketing campaigns, where an advertisement or promotion is sent to a targeted group of customers.
  • Email can also be used to turn leads into paying customers or to move a potential sale into a completed purchase. For example, a company may create an automated email that is sent to online buyers who keep items in their shopping cart for a specific amount of time. 
  • The email may remind the customer that they have products sitting in their cart and encourage them to complete the purchase before the items run out of stock.
  • Follow-up emails asking customers to submit a review after making a purchase are also common. They may include a survey asking customers to review the quality of service or the product they have recently received.

Advantages of email

Advantages of email include the following:

  • Cost-effective. There are various free email services available to individuals and organizations. Once a user is online, there are no additional charges for the service.
  • Email provides users with a nonurgent communication process that enables them to send a response when it is convenient. This also enables users to communicate regardless of their different schedules or time zones.
  • If the user has access to the internet, then email can be accessed from anywhere at any time.
  • Speed and simplicity. Emails are quick and easy to compose, with information and contacts readily available. They can also be exchanged quickly with minimal lag time.
  • Mass sending. Email makes it possible and easy to send one message to large groups of people.
  • Email enables users to filter and categorize their messages. This can prevent the visibility of unwanted emails -- like spam and junk mail -- while also making it easier to find specific messages when they're needed.
  • Email exchanges can be saved and searched for easily. This enables users to keep important conversations, confirmations or instructions in their records and quickly retrieve them if the need arises.
  • Free delivery - Sending an e-mail is virtually free, outside the cost of Internet service. There is no need to buy a postage stamp to send a letter.
  • Global delivery - E-mail can be sent to nearly anywhere around the world, to any country.
  • Instant delivery - An e-mail can be instantly sent and received by the recipient over the Internet.
  • File attachment - An e-mail can include one or more file attachments, allowing a person to send documents, pictures, or other files with an e-mail.
  • Long-term storage - E-mails are stored electronically, which allows for storage and archival over long periods of time.
  • Environmentally friendly - Sending an e-mail does not require paper (paperless), cardboard, or packing tape, conserving paper resources.

Disadvantages of Email

Disadvantages of email include the following:

  • Impersonal: As compared to other forms of communication, emails are less personal. For example, when you talk to anyone over the phone or meeting face to face is more appropriate for communicating than email.
  • Misunderstandings: As email includes only text, and there is no tone of voice or body language to provide context. Therefore, misunderstandings can occur easily with email. If someone sends a joke on email, it can be taken seriously. Also, well-meaning information can be quickly typed as rude or aggressive that can impact wrong. Additionally, if someone types with short abbreviations and descriptions to send content on the email, it can easily be misinterpreted.
  • Malicious Use: As email can be sent by anyone if they have an only email address. Sometimes, an unauthorized person can send you mail, which can be harmful in terms of stealing your personal information. Thus, they can also use email to spread gossip or false information.
  • Accidents Will Happen: With email, you can make fatal mistakes by clicking the wrong button in a hurry. For instance, instead of sending it to a single person, you can accidentally send sensitive information to a large group of people. Thus, the information can be disclosed, when you have clicked the wrong name in an address list. Therefore, it can be harmful and generate big trouble in the workplace.
  • Spam: Although in recent days, the features of email have been improved, there are still big issues with unsolicited advertising arriving and spam through email. It can easily become overwhelming and takes time and energy to control.
  • Information Overload: As it is very easy to send email to many people at a time, which can create information overload. In many modern workplaces, it is a major problem where it is required to move a lot of information and impossible to tell if an email is important. And, email needs organization and upkeep. The bad feeling is one of the other problems with email when you returned from vacation and found hundreds of unopened emails in your inbox.
  • Viruses: Although there are many ways to travel viruses in the devices, email is one of the common ways to enter viruses and infect devices. Sometimes when you get a mail, it might be the virus come with an attached document. And, the virus can infect the system when you click on the email and open the attached link. Furthermore, an anonymous person or a trusted friend or contact can send infected emails.
  • Pressure to Respond: If you get emails and you do not answer them, the sender can get annoyed and think you are ignoring them. Thus, this can be a reason to make pressure on your put to keep opening emails and then respond in some way.
  • Time Consuming: When you get an email and read, write, and respond to emails that can take up vast amounts of time and energy. Many modern workers spend their most time with emails, which may be caused to take more time to complete work.
  • Overlong Messages: Generally, email is a source of communication with the intention of brief messages. There are some people who write overlong messages that can take much time than required.
  • Insecure: There are many hackers available that want to gain your important information, so email is a common source to seek sensitive data, such as political, financial, documents, or personal messages. In recent times, there have various high-profile cases occurred that shown how email is insecure about information theft.


E-mail address

Email id is simply the address where you receive all your emails. just like your phone no. which your you use to get calls and msgs from other peoples. 

Just like that on the internet instead of mobile no, we use email id for that. in other words, we can say that email id is our mobile no. on the internet. an email id looks like this ex.

An email address identifies an email box to which messages are delivered. 

An email address is a unique identifier for an email account. 

 It is used to both send and receive email messages over the Internet

 Similar to physical mail, an email message requires an address for both the sender and recipient in order to be sent successfully.


Email Address Formatting

An email address is a designation for an electronic mailbox that sends and receives messages, known as email, on a computer network. 

Since the 1980s, all email addresses follow the same format: @. An example is below.

Email address consists of three parts 

1. User name :-
The first portion of all e-mail addresses, the part before the @ symbol, contains the alias, user, group, or department of a company. 

In our above example, navyugbbacollege is the college department at Navyug Educational Sankul.

2. @ Sign :-

    Next, the @ (at sign) is a divider in the e-mail address; it's required for all SMTP e-mail addresses since Ray Tomlinson sent the first message.

3. Domain or Host name :-

    Finally, is the domain name that the user belongs. The .com is the TLD (top-level domain) for our domain.

On the far right, the .com component represents the top level domain (TLD) for the email address. It could also be replaced with .org, .edu, or another entity. Commonly-used TLDs include:

  • .com: Used by entities engaged in commerce
  • .org: Used by nonprofit organizations
  • .edu: Used by educational institutions
  • .net: Used by network providers
  • .gov: Used by governmental agencies

The domain name is the specific name of the organization. This could be any name, but familiar ones include or The combination of the organization name and TLD is the address entered into a browser to go to the organization’s website

 The @ (pronounced “at”) symbol is the connector between the domain and the person who the email address belongs to. In this case, the person or company is Navyugbbacollege. 

When an email is sent to this address, the message is sent to navyugbbacollege at the domain name.

Domain names can be commercial or personal. Popular email providers for business or personal use include Gmail, Yahoo, and Microsoft Outlook

 Businesses and websites can purchase custom email addresses for their domain through one of these options or through their website hosting provider.


How to send and receive e-mail

E-mail program

  • To send and receive e-mail messages, you can use an e-mail program, also known as an e-mail client, such as Microsoft Outlook or Mozilla Thunderbird. 
  • When using an e-mail client, a server that stores and delivers your messages is used. This server is often hosted by your ISP, but can be another Internet company. 
  • An e-mail client needs to connect to a server to download new e-mail, whereas e-mail stored online is always available to any Internet-connected device. 
  • For more information about cloud e-mail service, see the difference between webmail and an e-mail client, below.

Online e-mail

  • An alternative way of sending and receiving e-mail (and the more popular solution for most people) is an online e-mail service or webmail. 
  • Examples include Hotmail (now, Gmail, and Yahoo Mail. 
  • Many of the online e-mail services, including the ones we mentioned, are free or have a free account option.

Best Free Email Accounts

  •     Gmail
  •     AOL
  •     Outlook
  •     Zoho
  •     Yahoo! Mail
  •     ProtonMail
  •     iCloud Mail
  •     GMX Mail
  •     Mozilla Thunderbird
  •     Yandex Mail

Writing an e-mail

When writing an e-mail message, it should look something like the example window below. 

As you can see, several fields are required when sending an e-mail:

  • The To field is where the e-mail address of the person receiving the e-mail is placed.

  • The From field should contain your e-mail address.

  • If you are replying to a message, the To: and From: fields are automatically filled out. If it's a new message, you'll need to specify the recipients in the To: field by selecting them from your contact list or by typing the e-mail addresses. If you enter more than one recipient (e.g., group e-mail), the addresses should be separated by a comma and a space, or by pressing the Tab key.

  • The Subject should consist of a few words describing the e-mail's contents. The subject lets the recipient see what the e-mail is about, without opening and reading the full e-mail. This field is optional.

  • The CC ("Carbon Copy") field allows you to specify recipients who are not direct addressees (listed in the "To" field). For instance, you can address an e-mail to Jeff and CC Linda and Steven. Although the e-mail is addressed to Jeff, Linda and Steven also receive a copy and everyone can see who received the e-mail. This field is optional.

  • The BCC ("blind carbon copy") field is similar to CC, except the recipients are secret. Each BCC recipient will receive the e-mail, but will not see who else received a copy. The addressees (anyone listed in the "To" field) remain visible to all recipients. This field is optional.

  • Finally, the Message Body is the location you type your main message. It often contains your signature at the bottom; similar to a handwritten letter.

Writing an e-mail message

What can be sent in an e-mail?

In addition to text messages being sent over e-mail, it is also possible to attach a file or other data in an e-mail. 

For example, an attachment could be a picture, PDF, word processor document, movie, program, or any file stored on your computer. 

However, because of some security issues, it may not be possible to send certain types of files without additional steps. 

For example, many companies block .exe files from being sent over e-mail and would require you to compress the file into a .zip file. 

Also, most e-mail providers have file size restrictions that would prevent any large files or programs from being sent over e-mail.


Features of E-mail Program 

1. New message or compose

New Message button allows you to write a new e-mail to someone by invoking the e-mail authoring program

Choose New Email to start a new message. 

Enter a name or email address in the To, Cc, or Bcc field.

If you don't see Bcc, see Show, hide, and view the Bcc box.

In Subject, type the subject of the email message.

Place the cursor in the body of the email message, and then start typing.

After typing your message, choose Send.

2. Reply

Reply button allows you to send a reply to someone who has sent you an e-mail.

3. Reply to All

Sometimes you receive an e-mail of which you are not the only recipient. This button allows you to reply to all of the e-mail addresses from that e-mail.

4. Forward

Forward button helps you to forward a message, which you have received, to someone else.

5. Send and Receive

Send and Receive button serves two function. It will query your mail server and receive any new e-mail that might be waiting for you, and it will send any pending messages, that you have authored, to your e-mail server.

6.  Delete
Delete button allows you to delete the selected message.

7. Print
Sometimes you might want to keep a hard copy of the message with your.

 In such case, Print button allows you to take a printout, if the system is connected to the printer.

Email Tutorial Video :-

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